Tales from Timp CDs


Tales from Timp 2014
Special 25th Anniversary 3-CD Set
This compilation of three discs includes select stories from the 25th annual Timpanogos Storytelling Festival. They feature a story by Connie along with Donald Davis, Bil Lepp, Kim Weitkamp, Bill Harley, & many other well loved tellers!

For family listening
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Tales from Timp CDs

  1. Goldie Goldie (Donald Davis)
  2. The Pipeline Blues (Beth Horner)
  3. Life Begins When You Turn 40 (Antonia Rocha)
  4. Book Thief (Mary Gay Ducey)
  5. The Great Sled Race (Bill Harley)
  6. Love On the First Floor (Kim Weitkamp)
  7. The Drover’s Song (David Holt & Josh Goforth)
  8. The Hard Way (David Holt & Josh Goforth)
  9. The Rock Island Line Rolls Over My Head (David Holt & Josh Goforth)
  10. These Will Carry You Far (Charlotte Blake Alston)
  11. Skunks (Bil Lepp)
  12. Rag Doll (Connie Regan-Blake)
  13. Demolition Derby/The Three Phases of Prayer (Kevin Kling)

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